How Do Girls First Experience Sexual Contact?

I've been attempting to devise a risk-free girl-on- girl sex system. Although I've always been aware of it, my desire for women has recently grown more intense. Because I don't know how to have sex safely and I just don't want to, I just don't want to look foolish when I do in the future. I appreciate it. You're not alone, Kate. If my email is any indicator, many youngsters are unclear about what to do or how to behave when they first have sex. In a culture that, when it does teach children about sex, mostly supports heterosexuality, learning how to have sex with another girl might be equally perplexing. It doesn't help that many of the popular depictions of lesbian sex in today's culture are biased toward male pleasure. Becca Mui, the education manager at the LGBTQ+ sex education group GLSEN, opposes the notion that "girl-on-girl sex" training needs to be fundamentally different from straight sex. We should "recognize that [ass...